
27 March 2010

:: Having Fun ::

Last Thursday, I called my sister, sis Amy.... Just wanna say "Hi"... But then, it turns something interesting because, we both are stressed with our own problems. so, she said to me " dear, I wanna go out tonight, but tak ade kaki larh..."( it means that she wanna go out and have fun to reduce her problems....) then, I said to her, "adik kan ade... wat for if I am ur lil sis but can't accompany u to have fun..??" then, she said that she don't wanna disturb me... I said, I am free if u wanna go out with me... I am bored with my life and hoping that we can g out tonight if u r free... We both agreed to go out that night and having fun to reduce our problems...

My sis pick me up at my hostel at 9pm... We went to her house, touch up my face (so, i' becoming like a W)... We went to Hilton P.J. (Zeta Club)... After a few minutes drinking while chatting and listening to the music, there's 1 guy who interpreted us and chat with my sis... After a few hours, the guy who interpreted us went to his hotel room, me and my sis continued with our chatting, drinking and also dancing with the havoc music that we listened to...

After a few hours, there's 1 guy,"Mat Salleh" came to us and chat with us for a while... After that, we're having fun with the "Mat Salleh" (dancing and dancing and dancing)...me and my sis danced together like there's no one watching us dancing... Me and my sis were so happy... After dancing, we're get a little bit rest because I am so tired... While my sis danced with the "Mat Salleh" guy, I sat on my chair and drink a little bit of water and smoking...

That day, I feel like I'm owning the earth... Nothing can stop me from doing what I wanna do... Feels like all the stressed have gone away with the music that I danced with my sister... I saw that my sister are also happy and I can feel that her stressed level also been reduced and gone with the music that we danced and also the fun that we had that night...

Me and my sister are transforming ourselves to the new one... We don't want the old life that we have had long time ago.., Now, it's time for us do what ever we want, we will be wise in what ever we do in our life now... Let the past, gone by past... Now, we are creating our new life with ignoring what other people wanna say... All we want to be is we want to be happy with our life... No 1 can ruined it unless us... Hope, we can achieved what we want to achieved... What we have dreamed off.... That night, we're transforming ourselves into the new life and begin a new chapter in our life....

25 March 2010

in cLass...

semalam, kt kelas.... tersangat larh membosankan  bagi aku... aku terdatang class awal gile....hahahaa...
anyway, bile lecturer msuk jew class, class yg senyap tibe2 jadi happening gile...
no idea... maybe because of lecturer taw mod kitorang sume kot... ahahaha.....

chill out with the pictures when i'm in class... pEacE... :)

ni larh mende yg kitorang belajar dri lecturer kitorg... dri bored class, jd happening n energetic class... hahaha... <3<3<3

24 March 2010

Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan....

last 3 weeks, terasa di rumah tersanganlah bosan... so, aku ngan housemate aku, Chenoot and Ejot keluar rumah untuk menikmati pemandangan KL waktu tengah hari n petang... First, kitorang g DBP.... ingatkan DNP bukak larh on Saturday...  da sampai DBP (lebih kurang dlm kul 3pm) skali tutup daaa.....

Hampa, memang hampa larh kan.... budget nk g beli buku kat DBP untuk aku wat assignment, skali tutup... Dengan perut lapar, kitorang pon g larh jalan2.... then, turun kat Ampang.... Aku dengan secara tibe2, terasa cam nk makan nasi ayam.... alang2 da smpai kat Ampang, kitorang po naek larh teksi g Ampang Point... Housemate aku 2org tuh, ikut jew... sbb sume perbelanjaan aku yg bayar... Almaklumlah... time tue aku tgh ade duit... aku pon belanje larh diorang as long as diorang nak teman aku... lagipon, aku ni bukannyew berani sangat nk g jenjalan sowang2... hahaa...

so, da sampai Ampang Point, kitorang g makan kat My Mom's Chicken Rice (MMCR).... Linda Onn punye kedai... :) hasilnyew, memang best larh kan.... nasi ayam die pon sedap....so, sesi bergambar larh dengan perut yg berbunyi-bunyi dan nasi ayam di depan mata.... hahaha

ni larh nasi ayam yang aku order tuh....

ni lak, bile masing2 da abes makan, perut pun da kenyang.....

lastly, ni larh gambar right after aku bayar bill kat kaunter pembayaran.... ni isi ati aku dengan makanan and service yang diberikan kepada aku.... :)

sekarang nih, aku masih mencari-cari mase untuk ke sane lagi... hope aku dapat g sane lagi.... 

pEacE n0 waR....

15 March 2010


Semlm aku g dinner with my sis, kak Amy dekat Hartamas dengan kawan die....
It's such a pleasure for me to meet her last night..
We've planned so many times, akhirnyew dapat gak aku jupe die...
hahhaa...happy mmg happy...
but then, lumrah manusia, not everytime kite happy...
before balik, hujan lebat gile...
we're wait for the rain stopped.... mmg lame gile tggu....
around 10pm, we're leaving Hartamas.... but hujan still x berhenti lagi.....
just renyai2 jew.... Me and my sis pon redah je larh hujan dengan berjalan pegi kat kereta my sis.....
smpai kat kete, lap2 badan yg kene ujan... then, we're going home... my sis drop me @ my apartment...
I called her when i had salin sume baju2 yg da kene hujan.... Rumah my sis blacked out....(hahaha)
(laughing smpy sakt perut sambil mate berair2).... having so much fun and happy time with her....
tapi, pagi td dapat tahu my sis sakit... worried sgt2...huhuu~~
now, what can I do is......

Praying and Praying and Hoping that she's getting well as soon as possible....
Missed her laugh and jokes..... :D

Dear God,
Please accepted my prayers for my sis......

11 March 2010

Do Your Own Work....

Aku xtaw larh nape ngan lecturer aku arini....
Sume class abes awal.... ntah ae2  ntah aku bljr arini...
haishhh... cean tul aku... Class pagi, bljr setengah jam jew.... kejap td, g class,
tanda attendance, lecturer ckp "DO YOUR OWN WORK"...
dak class aku sume on9 FB sepantas kilat.. gile buhsan...

penat2 jalan kaki dari umah semata-mata nak g class....
last2, cmni jew class aku abes.... lecturer sumenyew cm xde mood nak ajar...(huhuhuu)

lecturer aku utk class pagi tadi, dtg class dengan muke pucat....
pucat sepucat-pucatnyew... semalam aku ber FB dgn die (lecturer aku utk class pagi).....
aku tanye khabar die, die cakap die demam...
tp xkan larh demam smpai muke pucat gile....

haishhhh.....wisau lak ati aku nih tibe2.....
hurmmmm..... cean lak aku tgk lecturer aku tuh....da larh ade anak kecik.....huhuhuuuu~~
anyway, pape pon yg blaku,aku harap lecturer aku tuh, x pape....

k larh....nanti aku update lagi di laen mase....
sayonara all....
-pEacE n0 waR-

09 March 2010

Jom Heboh 2010

Aritu aku pegi Jom Heboh at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur... Meriah gak lar... tp x byk booth pon... Aku pon jalan2 larh kat situ... memandangka aku tgh buhsan tahap gaban kat umah... So, hasilnyew, ni larh antara gmbr2  yang aku snap sepanjang 2 ari Jom Heboh berlangsung...

Bersama pelakon Tari Tirana

Ni lak dgn kak Irma..Pelakon dlm Zehra: Aliff Firdaus... sgt2 tinggi orgnyew...huhuuu~~
Lawa gak kak Irma ni... :)

Mase ni, aku kat booth Studio 3....

Me with kak Maya Karin... Serious tinggi kak Maya..
Really gorgeous...

 Gmbr at bawah ni lak, time aku kat booth cereka.... Time ni, bwu abes game kat situ...
They're really entertained their fans... Luv ya so much..!!~

Ni lak dgn kak Fara Fauzana Fadzil... Time ni, die tgh rushing...
Baru lepas habis Melodi...

Ni lak dgn Kak Anne Hot FM...
Kecil molek jew orang nyew.... :-)

Ni lak ngan kak Anne Hot FM dan abg Ihwan Hot FM....

Last but not least, snap with kak Irma Hasmie (Dira - Aliff Fidaus)
Mase ni da nak balik da... Da xlarat nak tggu smpai konsert...
Sebab keesokannye, aku ade class pagi...

Kesimpulannyew, Jom Heboh tetap meriah walaupun tahun ni gerai x banyak.... Pape pon, thanks to TV3 yang sudi menganjurkan program2 mcm ni... Sebab dengan adenyew program2 yg mcm ni larh, artist and peminat2 diorg dpt berjumpe da beramah mesra... :)
Anyway, thanks TV3 again... :)

Thanks for read my blog :)